Action Alert ! - Stop the proposal to develop Milan Bottoms
4220 Wapello Avenue
Davenport, IA (map)
Concerned conservationists and community members
Concerns regarding the proposal to develop a parcel of land owned by the City of Rock Island into a a cannabis grow facility and a full service truck stop will be discussed at this meeting. This land is known as part of the Milan Bottoms Preserve.
The area is composed of a diverse floodplain community including open water wetlands, sloughs, and bottomland forest. The forest in this area is important for Red Shouldered hawks, Bald eagles, and several heron species listed as endangered in the State of Illinois. It contains a diversity of wetland types important for migratory waterfowl and other wildlife species, which will benefit from maintaining the forest community. Restoration work on the area was done about 15 years ago. It is now one of the largest intact natural areas left in the Quad Cities and one of the largest documented bald eagle night roost sites in the lower 48 states. This area also provides critical habitat for hundreds of other species.
Come to this meeting on to voice your concerns. For more information on the project, click here.
Susan Leuthauser