Economic Justice Power of Three Action Plan
Here are some actions YOU can take to work toward Economic Justice in the next....
Meet 3 new people, exchange contact info and make a commitment to get together within the week.
Know your state and local political representatives. Be aware how they vote. Attend legislative forums. Listen and ask questions. Look for patterns. Network with people and share info.
Support/create groups that hold politicians accountable. Support/Join/Collaborate with Social Media. Seek out progressive reform groups like Indivisible, QC Progressive Coalition, PACG, Iowa-CCI, etc.
Share what you have learned/save time by listening to what others are doing. Spend time discovering what other communities are doing. Discover organizations that give back to the community. Support each other/make new friends. Know that you are not alone and let others know that you are with them. Stick together: Keep your eye on the bigger picture. Row in the same direction.
3 QUARTERS of 2017
Band together with like minds to form new groups communities.
Know that many small actions add up to something bigger. Be the Change you want: Google “Gandhi's 10 Rules for Changing the World”
Meet 3 new people, exchange contact info and make a commitment to get together within the week.
Know your state and local political representatives. Be aware how they vote. Attend legislative forums. Listen and ask questions. Look for patterns. Network with people and share info.
Support/create groups that hold politicians accountable. Support/Join/Collaborate with Social Media. Seek out progressive reform groups like Indivisible, QC Progressive Coalition, PACG, Iowa-CCI, etc.
Share what you have learned/save time by listening to what others are doing. Spend time discovering what other communities are doing. Discover organizations that give back to the community. Support each other/make new friends. Know that you are not alone and let others know that you are with them. Stick together: Keep your eye on the bigger picture. Row in the same direction.
3 QUARTERS of 2017
Band together with like minds to form new groups communities.
Know that many small actions add up to something bigger. Be the Change you want: Google “Gandhi's 10 Rules for Changing the World”