Gender Equity Forum
Purpose: This forum works to remove barriers to equal opportunity for women and nonbinary individuals. We educate and engage members in positive action that they can take to help affect change.
Forum Co-Facilitators: Due to the complexity of gender equity issues we have identified, each of our four
co-facilitators will head up one action group.
Legislative Action Group - Marie Gleason
- This group will advocate with state and federal legislators and candidates and will communicate voting
details to the community.
Services Action Group - Carolyn Martin
- This group will work on improving access to reproductive health care services in our area.
Education Action Group - Renee Eickman
- This group will organize events (including protests) to educate the community on gender equity issues.
Organizing Action Group - Alta Price
- This group will coordinate meetings and communications for the forum.
(Click on any of the names above to open up an email window on your computer or device that will allow you to send an email directly to them.)
Meetings: The dates and times of the entire forum's monthly meetings are yet to be determined. Each action group will also meet individually to accomplish their goals. For Zoom meetings, email Alta for the Zoom link; please state the name and date of the meeting.
Facebook Group: For more Gender Equity Forum news, join our Gender Equity Forum Facebook group.
Forum Co-Facilitators: Due to the complexity of gender equity issues we have identified, each of our four
co-facilitators will head up one action group.
Legislative Action Group - Marie Gleason
- This group will advocate with state and federal legislators and candidates and will communicate voting
details to the community.
Services Action Group - Carolyn Martin
- This group will work on improving access to reproductive health care services in our area.
Education Action Group - Renee Eickman
- This group will organize events (including protests) to educate the community on gender equity issues.
Organizing Action Group - Alta Price
- This group will coordinate meetings and communications for the forum.
(Click on any of the names above to open up an email window on your computer or device that will allow you to send an email directly to them.)
Meetings: The dates and times of the entire forum's monthly meetings are yet to be determined. Each action group will also meet individually to accomplish their goals. For Zoom meetings, email Alta for the Zoom link; please state the name and date of the meeting.
Facebook Group: For more Gender Equity Forum news, join our Gender Equity Forum Facebook group.
Note: If the Quad City schools close due to weather (snow or cold), all non-Zoom PACG meetings and events will be cancelled. Check here for school closings.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Solidarity Circle for Abortion Rights - Action Alert
Friday, June 28th at 6:00 pm
Sign Up for the Iowa ACLU Reproductive Rights Team - Action Alert
Past Events Of Interest to Our Forum
Vigil for Reproductive Freedom - Saturday, June 24th at 10:00 am
Abortion IS Healthcare Discussion - Thursday, May 11th at 6:30 pm
Becoming an Ally panel - Wednesday, April 26th at 6:30 pm
Let's Talk About Reproductive Rights workshop
Wednesday, April 12th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm
After Action Reports
Lobby Day in Des Moines for Abortion Rights - After Action Report
Tuesday, March 21st
We Will Not Go Back! rally for Choice in Davenport - After Action Report
Sunday, June 26th
Gender Equity Forum first meeting - After Action Report
Since this was our first meeting, we did an After Action Report. Our blog post includes the PowerPoint presentation that we had hoped to share but were unable due to the library's technical issues.
What You Can Do Now - Join Our Facebook Group!
Gender Equity Forum Resources (under construction)