Action You Can Take with Others
Sign up with a local organization that is working on an issue you care about. Working together with others magnifies your efforts. PACG or any organization listed on our website can help you make the most of any time you are willing to spend, and the group will benefit from your ideas and passion. Join us in one of the following ways, connect with old friends and make new ones.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Action You Can Take by Yourself - Anywhere and Anytime
In-person visits to your legislators' offices are the best way to reach them to give your input. If you cannot do that, there are still plenty of ways to have an impact on changing your world. These online suggestions are just a few that allow you to have impact on your own.
5 CallsFacebook Likes and Twitter retweets can't create the change you want to see. Calling your government can. Spend 5 minutes to make 5 calls on your choice of issues. 5 Calls has a phone app in addition to a website. Sign up below.
MoveOnReady to Resist conference calls occur across the nation several Sundays a month. Check the link below to join in the next call or to find archives of previous calls.