Protect the Milan Bottoms - the Quad Cities' largest intact natural area!
Monday, March 17th at 5:30 pm
1528 3rd Ave
Rock Island, IL 61201 (map)
Environmental Forum
The City of Rock Island has proposed developing ten acres in the Milan Bottoms into a cannabis growing facility and dispensary and a full service truck stop. This 3,500 acres of hardwood and wetlands is the largest documented bald eagle night roost site in the lower 48 states. It is also home to hundreds of wildlife species, including fish, mussels, and migratory waterfowl. The 24/7 light and noise pollution from the proposed truck stop will threaten the homes of bald eagle and other wildlife species.
A public hearing concerning this project will be held on Monday, March 17th at 5:30 pm in Rock Island City Hall. A group of local environmental advocates are working together to urge the City Council to reconsider the plans. We need to protect the eagles and the entire Milan Bottoms.
Our requests are:
1. Move the truck stop away from this location.
2. Shrink the proposed TIF (Tax Increment Financing) district so that it does not include wetlands or areas that are in the current floodplain. [A TIF is a public financial tool that cities and counties use to stimulate development and redevelopment in specific areas. This mechanism allows for the reallocation of newly generated tax revenue for up to 25 years, supporting local projects. Changing this district could help save the wetlands. FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) has designated this area as a floodplain.]
For more information on this effort please visit this Facebook page.
If you support our effort to protect the eagles and Milan Bottoms, please sign the petition here.
Encourage your friends and neighbors to support our effort and sign the petition.
Susan Leuthauser