Legislative Visit - After Action Report
Civil Rights Forum
Members of the Civil Rights Forum visited with staffers from Congresswoman Miller-Meeks' office regarding family based immigration. We advocated that she commit to supporting language in the FY23 Homeland Security Appropriations bills that recapture Visas and end Green Card waste, and that she consider co-sponsoring H.R. 7374, the Jumpstart Act. These requests deal with the large Visa backlogs that have accumulated in the recent past, which keep family members apart. Ultimately, our group would like to protect, preserve, and strengthen the family based immigration system and promote an immigration system informed by empathy and justice.
Our requests were well received and the Congresswoman's Chief of Staff from Washington happened to be at the meeting. He assured us that she was sympathetic to our requests and would discuss them with her and let us know her response. The group felt very good about the meeting and energized from participating in this type of advocacy on behalf of civil rights!
Allison Ambrose