Candidate Questions - Drug Policy Reform
If you attend a candidate’s event, print off this list (see the download link below) and have it handy in case you have an opportunity to ask questions. Listen carefully to the answers on the topics below. Take notes if you can, and report back to us in the Blog Comments below.
These are also good questions that should be addressed to your State legislatures when they hold legislative sessions or campaign for re-election.
1. What is your stance on the federal expansion of access to medical cannabis?
2. What is your stance on federal legalization of marijuana?
3. In Iowa, a black person is six times more likely to be arrested for a non-violent marijuana-related offense than a white person, despite equal patterns of use. What is your stance on decriminalizing marijuana and instead allowing opportunities of record expungement for formerly convicted non-violent marijuana offenders?
5. In Iowa, we are working to expand access to clean needle syringes. Data has proven that safe needle access plays a profound role in reducing overdose and death rates. Do you support increased syringe access on a federal level?
4. What is your stance on the decriminalization of larger categories of drugs as a measure to keep fewer non-violent offenders out of jail?

questions_for_candidates_-_drug_policy_reform.docx |