Volunteer to help refugees through World Relief
I am the at World Relief Quad Cities. I am reaching out in the hopes that Progressive Action for the Common Good may be interested in partnering with and our Youth Mentoring Program.
Here is a little bit about World Relief and the work that we do in the Quad Cities. World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization that mobilizes and equips churches and communities around the world to create change that lasts. In the Quad Cities, this mainly takes the form of programs that support newly resettled refugees.
The Youth Mentoring Program serves refugees ages 15-24 who have been in the United States for less than 5 years. The program strives to provide the social, educational, and vocational supports that are needed to ensure that all refugee teens and young adults can achieve a path towards self-sufficiency. In our program, volunteers come alongside young adult refugees to build relationships with them and their families and help them to navigate career, school, and personal aspirations, and learn American culture.
I would happy to speak with your members to share more information about the volunteer opportunities in the Youth Mentoring Program. More information can be found on our volunteer page. Please let me know whether this is a partnership opportunity that PACG or its members would be interested in.
Lauren Parsons
Youth Mentoring Specialist
World Relief Quad Cities
Phone: (309) 644-1842 | Email: [email protected]