PACG Book Club for January 2022 - War on Us: How the War on Drugs & Myths About Addiction Have Created a War on All of Us by Colleen Cowles
I spent some time at the website. This book is very relevant to the work the Civil Rights Forum is doing on criminal justice reform and juvenile justice reform. I wonder if PACG and its coalition partners might want to bring the author here (probably by Zoom) to speak?
Here is some information about the book from Goodreads:
"While the War on Drugs may have sounded like a good idea at one time, the consequences have been catastrophic. From physicians persecuted for providing health care to their patients to parents grieving the loss of their children to overdose or prison — we've all become victims of this war.
Our health, our families, our assets, our safety and our freedom are at risk:
- One in three adults in the U.S. now has a criminal record.
- Patients with severe illnesses or chronic pain are denied access to proven pain medications.
- Over a trillion in taxpayer dollars in the U.S. alone has 'bought' the highest drug use, the highest overdose and the highest incarceration rates in the world.
Click on my name for a Zoom link to the discussion.
Alta Price