A Message to Our Membership Regarding COVID-19
We are very fortunate in the Quad Cities that we are not experiencing widespread community transmission at this time. However, this pandemic is not to be taken lightly. Our elderly members and those with chronic health conditions need to be especially careful - and everyone else needs to help protect those individuals. The best advice is to follow the guidance of our local and state health departments: Scott County Health Department, Rock Island County Health Department, Iowa Department of Public Health, and Illinois Department of Public Health.
Large PACG events may have to be postponed or cancelled. Although right now the recommendation is to not have events with more than 50 people for the next 8 weeks (per the CDC as of 3/16/20 at 1100 am), these guidelines will change over time. PACG will be following the advice of public health officials. We will use our website and calendar to give you the most up-to-date information about cancellations. Please begin checking those before attending any previously scheduled meeting or event mentioned in our Weekly Email Update (WEU).
Although at this point small gatherings are not banned in our area, out of an abundance of caution we will soon transition to holding our meetings online using Zoom. PACG will purchase sufficient licenses for our leaders to use to schedule meetings. People can join a meeting on a phone, tablet or computer. This service is free to the meeting participants. Zoom is a user-friendly tool and we are prepared to train our activists in its use. We believe online meetings will enable us to keep up our good work through this difficult time. Just as important, for those who must self-quarantine, it will keep them connected with their fellow activists. And even after the pandemic restrictions end, we believe this will be a useful way to have at least some meetings in the future (think snow storms and other inclement weather).
Our Office Manager, Julie, can set up Zoom meetings on behalf of members or affiliates. Contact her via [email protected], her cell (563-508-2209) or the PACG Office (563-676-7580).
Contact Alta Price, MD with questions or concerns.