Climate Crisis Parade - After Action Report
Saturday, February 1st at 12:00 pm
On February 1st Bold Iowa, along with nearly 70 other organizations, marched in Des Moines to demonstrate the climate crisis. PACG was a co-sponsor of this event along with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Quad Cities (UUCQC).
Nearly a dozen members of the Quad Cities traveled with 100 Grannies from Iowa City to march alongside others. Speeches by young members of the Indigenous community launched the parade. The emphasis was to note the lack of coverage of this crisis by the local and national media.
Ironically, they once, again, failed to adequately cover the event. Nearly 1000 marched in the event, while the Des Moines Register mentioned only 400 marchers. See more photos below taken by Mike Wilcox, member of PACG, UUCQC, and President of the Eagle View Chapter of the Sierra Club.
(images below by Michael Wilcox)
Lori McCollum