The Story of Plastics Zoom Happy Hour - After Action Report
In lieu of our postponement of Earth Day events, we placed an ad in local papers for the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, and wish to thank the PACG Board for providing funding for that announcement. We also co-sponsored a virtual showing of the film, the Story of Plastics, along with the Rock Island Soil and Conservation District, the Niabi Zoo, and the UU Congregation of the QC. The film was on the Discovery Channel, or available virtually through a link. We then offered a followup Happy Hour on Zoom to discuss the film and listen to local leaders who are working with methods of reducing plastic pollution: Joel Vanderbush from the Zoo, Kurt Liske from the Scott County Waste Commission, Karen Neder from Terracycle, and Dawn Temple of RISCD. We had nearly 20 people online for the happy hour! We all agreed to continue our work on plastics in the QC through the Plastic Free QC initiative started through the BICAN.
We plan on having our originally scheduled Earth Day activities in July, with "the Vision for the Future" event at the Botanical Center on Thursday, July 16th, and the Earth Day Fair at the Farmers Market on Saturday, July 18th. We hope to see you all there.
Remember to make every day Earth Day!
Lori McCollum