Green Drinks for August and September - After Action Report
Our August Green Drinks included an excellent presentation on Rain Gardens by Andy Parer, and we learned about how to choose native plants that have more extensive root systems to absorb rain and groundwater. Some of these plants are available each spring from local county conservation programs, as well as local gardening shops or online. In the city of Rock Island, you can receive financial support for putting in a rain garden, and then have your sewer fees reduced quarterly because you will have less run off.
Our September Green Drinks included a presentation by Dr. Cheryl True about Plant Based Diets. Dr. True discussed general ways to improve your lifestyle, but focused on plant based diets, which not only decrease health problems but help the environment. Even if you don't want to go completely vegetarian, you can go to meatless Mondays or reduce the size of your meat servings and increasing the vegetables and fruits on your plate.
An additional bonus is that each month a few staff from local presidential campaigns come by. They offer up current information about policies their respective candidates endorse.
Check out for more details about our group. We meet at Fresh Deli from 5-7 pm on the last Thursday of each month. We will take November and December off due to the holidays. We hope to see you on October 31st.
Lori McCollum