Reclaiming The Constitution and Other Early Documents:
Folks, I need your help beating the bushes to find some nearby Constitutional scholars who are not polluted by hidden agendas. Until we progressives educate ourselves on these documents, we are at the mercy of the those who quote, misquote, misinterpret and otherwise use these documents to brainwash the public into a sense of misguided “patriotism”.
March is half over, and we will be April Fools if we go into another season of media hogwash without the knowledge we can use to counteract the distortions.
Please notify me of any leads you have on people, books, videos we can use for a pacg educational event. The origins of the U.S. are great and messy and confusing. Without solid understanding, we are easily manipulated. Let’s come together and reclaim the principles of liberty.
Reclaiming Lincoln:
I just spent a couple days, and evenings! with Abraham Lincoln in Springfield, again. The powerful, humble spirit of this great man is just waiting to be reclaimed by the progressive movement. Conservatives use his name to raise money at annual “Lincoln dinners” but their values are 180 degrees from his.
I spoke to a leading Lincoln scholar and got more names to contact (just in case we can’t get Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of Team of Rivals, to come to the QCs.) I also took a Lincoln “ghost walk” with a guy who gives Lincoln tours of Springfield and will work with a bus agency to provide a two-day trip to Springfield.
Folks, would you like to plug yourselves into a major power source? Let me know which month(s) would work best for you to be part of a field trip to the city saturated with Lincoln energy. If we go before September, we can experience the “Team of Rivals” exhibit at the Lincoln Museum – I just saw it and it’s worth seeing again.
Abraham Lincoln “belongs to the ages” and the age is NOW. What else would you like to learn, create, explore and celebrate about Lincoln? What would you like to do building up to his birthday, Feb. 12, in 2012???
Call me, email me, stop me on the street! Steve Drucker at 309.781.8004
“With malice toward none, with charity for all…” Abraham Lincoln