Don’t Be Railroaded! - Update
What does the merger of Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern railroads mean to the Quad Cities?
- Up to 22 trains, with an average length of 8,000 ft (about a mile-and-a half), will be traveling through the QC daily. A previous 10-minute wait at a crossing can easily become a 40-minute wait.
- These trains will transport tank cars from Canada to Mexico. Each car will carry 30,000 gallons of flammable crude oil.
- Trains runs throughout the day. Estimates are an increase of a minimum of over 2 hours of train traffic a day.
- The risk of accidents and derailment will increase accordingly. There have been several accidents and derailments of Canadian Pacific trains since 2019.
- Due to the longer trains, emergency vehicles might not be able to reach residents and businesses impacted by the location of the tracks.
- Noise pollution, vibration, traffic, and the increase in air pollution can all impact property values and the economic development of the river front.
- Sign a petition to STOP THE TRAIN. Go to:
- Attend the Surface Transportation Board public meeting on September 13th from 6-8 pm at the River Center, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport.
- Attend one of the online meetings or submit written comments online. Go to for details.
- You can also send your comments to Mr. Martin Oberman, Chairman, Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20423.
September 3, 2022:
A coalition of environmentalists have been working on the issue of more trains going through the QCA due to this merger. A number of us, including Shirley Johnson, Glenda Guster, PJ Slobojan, and myself were at a recent meeting at the Freight House in Davenport. We filmed this long train passing us.
Watch the resulting one-minute video and think about the risks, and increased traffic and noise from having three times as many trains going through our area. This video is also posted on the PACG Environmental Forum Facebook page.
Stop the Train:
And then sign the Stop the Train petition here.
Susan Leuthauser

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