February Green Drinks - Insects in Art during an Age of Environmental Turmoil
Tuesday, February 7th at 5:00 pm
1806, 2nd Avenue
Rock Island, IL (map)
Environmental Forum
Scientists have been sharing data for over 50 years, warning of the negative impact humans are having on the biodiversity and the climate of our plane. But there has not been an adequate response to mitigate the damage being caused by human activity. As a result of this environmental destruction, there are recent reports of large-scale insect declines.
Dr. Tierney Brosius from Augustana College will discuss what the scientific community knows about insect declines, her research connected with insect conservation, and how scientists and artists are starting to find opportunities for collaboration to find new ways to communicate about the declining state of the environment.
To make sure that we have enough space for our meeting, we like to give El Patron a head count prior to the meeting.
Please R.S.V.P. at:
Susan Leuthauser