Tickets are now on sale for what, we hope, will be a long line of annual picnics for PACG members and supporters. This gives us an opportunity to see old friends, meet new ones, and celebrate our accomplishments and maybe learn a little something.
Along with the usual picnic goodies, we will have a pie auction, music, and five exceptional speakers. So come help us build the organization.
Tickets: Tickets are $10 and are available from any board member or call Bill Sherwood at 563-271-0234.
Place: Rock Island’s Sunset Park and Marina, Sunset Lane and Lake Potter (get directions).
Date and Time: Saturday, September 21, 1 to 4 PM
Confirmed Speakers:
Doctor Tom Carpenter
Tom is Head of The School of Education at St. Ambrose University as well as an Itinerant elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Tom’s award-winning PhD. dissertation is “Labor Conflict in the Mining Industry of the Coeur D’Alenes, 1892 and 1899.” Tom has taught in schools from Harlem to South Central Los Angeles and brings a fiery passion for social justice.
Senator Rob Hogg
Robs’ recently released book, “America’s Climate Century: What Climate Change Means for America in the 21st Century and What Americans Can Do About It,” stands as testament to his long-standing commitment to restoring clean water and air to both Iowans and the world. Rob is a lawyer who has served in the Iowa legislature since 2003 where he has become one of Iowa’s leading voices on climate change.
Mayor Bill Gluba of Davenport
Bill Gluba requires little introduction to Quad Citians who are very used to seeing him show up ,when asked, to express his growing consternation over the injustices in this country. Gluba is a contemporary Knight, cross-on-shield, always ready to lend his sword to those in need. Recently Bill gave a particularly impassioned speech to those gathered to commemorate the 1963 March on Washington we have asked him to reprise that speech for our picnic.
Karen Metcalf
PACG’s own Karen Metcalf returned home to Iowa after living for 20 years in England and in Canada while her husband Dr. Peter Metcalf completed his training and practice. Her exposure to the health care systems in these countries, from the inside, led her to begin advocating for reform in this country. As our very capable facilitator of the Health Care Forum, she has developed a high level of expertise on reform and the Affordable Care Act.
Doctor Christopher M Whitt
Chris is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Augustana College in Rock Island. After arriving at Augustana in 2007, Chris became principal founder and faculty member of the Augustana African Studies Program. His doctoral research was titled “The Impact of the Racial Wealth Gap in Black Political Participation.” Currently Chris is working on a book project on the roots, realities, and legacies of inequalities in American politics and government.