This even has been canceled.
Fourth Informed Voters Town Hall via Zoom - Update
Thursday, October 8th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm
CANCELED - Informed Voter 4th Town Hall - Environmental Policy and the Climate Crisis has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
As an organization, PACG has learned a lot about what we can improve on with events like the Informed Voter series. With the time crunch of an election upon us, the candidates were unable to attend this town hall. And early voting means that people are already voting in Illinois and Iowa.
We are disappointed to have not heard from these candidates on issues that are so important to us all. For the next election cycles, we hope to plan farther ahead. Thanks for your continued support.
The Environmental Forum is a cosponsor of the Fourth Informed Voter Virtual Town Hall. Candidates for the US House of Representatives for Illinois and Iowa have been invited to participate in this Zoom event. We will ask candidates to explain their views on climate change and give us an understanding as to what their environmental policies will entail if they are elected.
More information will be in next week's WEU.
Susan Leuthauser