Green Drinks - After Action Report
Tuesday, October 6th at 5:00 pm
We have had a series of virtual Green Drinks since the COVID shutdown, meeting on Zoom the 1st Tuesday of each month from 5-7 pm. Since May we have enjoyed 6 excellent speakers, including: Joel Vanderbush/Niabi Zoo; Kurt Liske/Scott County Waste Commission; Pete Vogel/Food Rescue Partnership; Rachel Loomis/Living Lands and Waters; Deb Heitman/ Sustainability Director Davenport School District; and Sarah Gardner/Sustainability Coordinator Iowa City. We look forward to our two final speakers for 2020, with Cassie Druhl from Partners of Scott County Watershed in November, and Myles Brainard from the City of Rock Island in December. Join us!
Lori McCollum