Green Drinks - NAACP Environmental Climate Justice Committee
Tuesday, January 10th at 5:00 pm (in-person)
1806 2nd AV
Rock Island, IL (map)
Environmental Forum
Our speaker this month, Glenda Guster, is the PACG President and has led the NAACP Environmental Climate Justice Committee since January of 2021. The group educated and benefited the underserved community. For two years, they have given out potted tomato plants. In October of this year, Glenda and her husband, Mike, drove a truck full of donated bottled water to Jackson, Mississippi for those who were still without clean water due to the severe storms. Glenda will share the committee's past accomplishments and plans for this coming year.
This will be our first in-person Green Drinks meeting since COVID. We have an exciting year planned. Come and get re-acquainted with like-minded folks.
Although this is an in-person meeting, we ask that you use our Zoom account to RSVP so that we may give the restaurant an attendee count. Please click this link to RSVP and select the meeting on January 10th:
Susan Leuthauser