Plastic Free July - Monthly Environmental Celebration
Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing global environmental issues. About 40% of the plastic products ever made are now in our oceans, rivers and on the ground. Less than 6% of the plastic produced has been recycled, but we are expected to triple plastic production in the next 3 decades.
An average American household generates 250 pounds of plastic waste every year, most of which comes from packaging. Plastic pollution poses significant risk to all ecosystems during production and disposal. Microplastics have permeated our food and water, and are jeopardizing human health.
Join the global Plastic Free July movement and be part of the solution. Simple changes in your daily life can make a big difference. Say no to single-use plastics like bottled water, straws, shopping bags, and tableware. Find reusable alternatives. Purchase products packaged in boxes instead of plastic and reduce packaging waste by buying in bulk - it’s also less expensive! Bring your own container for leftovers when eating out. Recycle all of the plastic that you can. Make sure the items are clean and do anything else required by your recycling company.
Take Action Steps:
- Log the amount of single-use plastic you declined during the month of July, and set a higher goal for next month. Keep track of your progress.
- Go to and join the Plastic Free July challenge.
- Learn about the global plastic crisis and share this video with your friends and family
- Write to companies and ask them to reduce packaging. Tell them you’ll only purchase from companies with sustainable business practices.
- Contact your Members of Congress and ask them to support the “Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act” that was introduced in Congress last year. Support local recycling and plastic reduction policies.
Lori McCollum