Letters to the Editors for Health Care
(and other issues affecting the common good)
Health Care Reform Forum is working to keep affordable and accessible care in the forefront of legislators and the public. One of the most effective ways to do this is to write a letter to the editor.
To submit letters by email:
QCTimes and Bettendorf News: https://qctimes.com/forms/contact/letter_to_the_editor/
North Scott Press: https://www.northscottpress.com/forms/letters/
Dispatch/Argus: https://qconline.com/forms/contact/letter_to_the_editor/
Tips for Effective Letters to the Editor:
- Keep it short (200 words or fewer).
- Respond directly to something that's been published in the paper.
- Include points about your personal experience.
- You are most likely to get published in publications where you live.
- If possible, mention the name of your specific legislator.
Themes specific to health care issues:
- Everyone needs access to affordable prescriptions when they are sick.
- President Biden and the new Congress must make lowering drug prices a top priority as part of their "building back better" efforts.
- Without measures to make medicines more affordable, millions here and abroad won’t have access to affordable COVID vaccines and medicines.
- To make prescriptions affordable, lawmakers must step in to end the drug corporations’ monopoly control to set prices high and charge us more.
- Pandemic Treatment Access & Affordability Act (HR 597)
- Lower Drug Costs Now Act (HR 3) - Passed House in November of 2019.
If you'd like more specific letter templates, contact office manager Julie Ross.