Make Meds Affordable
Update: this letter was printed in the QC Times. You can read it at this link.
This is letter-to-the-editor written by Frank Samuelson, stating the position of the Health Care Reform Forum:
It is well known that Americans pay more for prescription drugs than citizens of other countries - on average 4 times more - while drug companies post record profits and use their drug patent rights and other tactics to limit competition and raise prices. In spite of public protests, congress has failed to act - yielding instead to Big Pharma’s lobbying dollars.
The Make Meds Affordable campaign has documented that the president and the Department of Health and Human Services have tools under existing legislation to take executive action to lower the cost of many prescription drugs. They have this authority because many drugs have been developed using taxpayer funds, and/or because companies have illegally restricted competition.
So, we, as citizens and taxpayers, must demand that these long-ignored tools be used now, to help lower drug prices. For more information and documentation on this issue see In this informational video, Senator Elizabeth Warren explains how this could work. After watching, contact President Biden and DHHS Secretary Becerra and urge them to take action now to Make Meds Affordable!
Make your voice heard! Go to this website:
Frank Samuelson