October Green Drinks - Trash in the Quad Cities
Thursday, October 5th at 5:00 pm
223 18th Street
Rock Island, IL (
Environmental Forum
Green Drinks Topic: Investigations into Urban Refuse in the Quad Cities
Our speaker, Steve Gustafson, is a long-time environmental advocate in the Quad Cities. In addition to being vice-chair of the PSCW, he also volunteers with Nahant Marsh, Xtream Cleanup, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) StatePreserves Advisory Board. Steve has been involved in numerous environmental initiatives and projects through the years.
Steve will discuss the recent efforts made by various local organizations to better understand the nature of the trash found on land and in the streams of the Quad Cities. He will also discuss the pilot study that the City of Davenport, Scott County Waste Commission and PSCW are able to embark on with the Center for Environmental Cooperation.
Please register at this link.
Susan Leuthauser