October Green Drinks - Is CC&S a Climate Solution?
Tuesday, October 4th at 5:00 pm via Zoom
What is CCS?
What are the risks and benefits of this process?
Is CCS a viable solution to the reduction of CO2 emission from industrial sources?
Dr. McCue will help you answer these questions. She will share with us what CCS is, why the fossil fuel industry is excited about it and whether this is a true solution to our climate crisis.
Dr. McCue is a retired physician and professor of Global Health Studies Program at the UI Colleges of Public Health and Liberal Arts and Sciences. She has been the coordinator of the Iowa Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility for the past 20 years and served for many years as a provider and medical director at a local women’s clinic. Her efforts today remain focused on achieving a healthy and livable future confronting the interconnected threats of climate chaos, militarism, and environmental racism.
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Registrants will receive a link to the recording of the meeting the day after the meeting.
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Susan Leuthauser