Homelessness in Davenport Meeting Tonight!
Monday, December 22nd at 6:30 pm
King's Harvest
824 West 3rd ST
To all our progressive activists:
Friends, you are receiving this because you may have an interest in homelessness or some of your friends might be interested.
14 people were sleeping in cars in downtown Davenport the other day .
See letter below and let's get hooked into the King's Harvest attempt to address the overflow shelter issue confronting our community.
Meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. at King's Harvest
824 West 3rd Street (3rd and Warren).
A meeting to try to mobilize volunteers, and figure out which days people can volunteer (see letter below).
King's Harvest is willing and able to give of their worship space to provide overflow homeless people (who are unable to be at Sisters of Humility or another shelter for whatever reason). So the place is available, but the need is for individuals to stay overnight. If we get enough, a volunteer might only have to stay once a month.
Well, at any rate, read this newsletter. Write to me if you are interested. This feels important. And a bit overwhelming. But let's spread the word. And let's keep talking about the possibilities. If you cannot attend meeting tonight but are willing to help, please contact me.
Volunteers (committed and willing to be trained) are needed.
Roger Butts
The following letter is from King's Harvest:
Dear Friend,
Urgent, this is an emergency!!! Sunday night during our ice storm/snow storm, with temperatures in the single digits, 14 people slept in their cars or outside on the ground in the cold. This happened because the shelters were full. Fourteen is just the number that Kings Harvest is aware of in downtown Davenport. There is no doubt to be many more. Kings Harvest which is a ministry that feeds the poor and homeless and helps with various basic needs has decided to open their doors at night for the overflow of the homeless. Our ministry has served the community since 1996, with the help of volunteers from many different church affiliations; we are supported only by donations. We are currently seeking volunteers to help with this. We desperately need folks that are willing to be there from 9:00 p.m. to 7 a.m. This could be a great opportunity to read a book, spend time with God, and serve Him all at once. Please help us help others by announcing and promoting this great need. If you need more information or would like to get involved please call Terri Gleize. Kings Harvest is located at 824 West 3rd Street, Davenport, Iowa. Please prayfully consider our desperate request, every day that goes by is crucial with the harsh Iowa winter upon us.
Terri Gleize
King's Harvest Director