Weekly Update - January 24, 2011
PACG History
Thursday, January 27, 2011
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Deere-Wiman Carriage House
1105 8th St, Moline
Join us for a fun gathering of progressive people dedicated to working on important issues of the day on behalf of the common good.
brief updates from our working forums
- announcements of upcoming events
- calls to action
- social time to relax and reflect
bring a new friend or family member to join us!
For more info, call PACG at 563-676-7580
Civil Rights Forum:
Rich Hendricks
[email protected]
In light of calls by Iowa Republicans for the Supreme Court Justices to resign following the ouster of three justices in November due to their participation in a unanimous decision to allow equal marriage rights, I propose a meeting of PACG Civil Rights Forum on Sunday, Jan. 30th at 3 pm at MCC QC - please help me get the word out and let me know if you have suggestions for action.
Environmental Forum:
Molly Regan
[email protected]
On Thursday, 1/20 the Scott County Board of Supervisors received public input on whether or not, once again, to be part of the Master Matrix discussion.
The Board has chosen in the past, since 2004, to allow Scott County citizens to have part in the Master Matrix decision that is forwarded to the IOWA Department of Natural Resources.
Health Care Reform Forum:
Karen Metcalf
[email protected]
Covering the Uninsured. The new Health Care Affordability Act will extend health insurance coverage to 32 million Americans that now have no coverage. These fellow citizens now suffer, and often die prematurely without adequate health care. They also often end up in the emergency room where they must be treated, at excessive cost, with bills they cannot pay. This drives up insurance costs and taxpayer expenses for the rest of us. Don't let opponents of health care reform, take this sensible and humanitarian coverage away.
--from Faithful Reform in Health Care (www.faithfulreform.org)
These brief summaries of benefits in the new health care law were prepared by Progressive Action for the Common Good of the Quad Cities, based on research by Faithful Reform in Health Care which represents many churches and other faith communities. (See the list of members on their website.) Faithful Reform seeks to speak the "whole truth" about health care issues instead of the many half truths that abound. If you, or someone you know, has had a personal experience with this or another benefit of the new law, please share it with the Health Care Reform Forum of PACG ([email protected]).
Local Foods Forum:
Rachel Griffiths
[email protected]
Join us on Saturday, February 5th, for "Seed Saving" with Organic Farmer Cindy Heilmann from Heilman Hawkeye Acres.
Learn how saving and sharing seed is easy, sustainable and important! A growing number of concerned farmers and community gardeners are dedicated to conserving the remaining genetic diversity of our planet's seed stock. We hope to create a library of healthy vegetable, herb, and flower seeds that would be made available free to the public. Saturday, February 5th from 10am-1pm at the Freight House Farmers Market in downtown Davenport, IA. For more information call 563-522-2923 or email [email protected].
Our Next meeting will be Wednesday February 9th at 6:30pm at Antonella's at 112 W 3rd St Davenport, IA
Media Reform Forum:
Steve Drucker
[email protected]
This forum next meets February 3, 6:30 to 8:30, to generate more great ideas at Butterworth Center in Moline. We are in the lower Craft Room, reached easily from the door in the drive-through and the hall leading right to our room. All Media Reformers welcome! Bring a sandwich if you like!
Peace & Justice Forum:
Caryn Unsicker
[email protected]
Join us this Thursday, January 27th! We are standing for Peace on the corner of E. 53rd Street and Corporate Drive (by Texas Roadhouse) in Davenport from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.
Also, on Saturday, January 29th, from 11am to noon on the corner of JD Road and 16th Street by Southpark Mall in Moline. We have extra signs and cold weather gear, including hand warmers, and we talk about everything under the sun!
So come to one or both events, do a good deed for Peace, and have some fun! See You There!
Social Security Forum:
Caryn Unsicker / Dick Fallow
[email protected]
The Social Security Group will meet again on Tuesday, January 25th at 5:30pm at the River House Grill at 1510 River Drive in Moline. At that time, we will firm some details of the March event and begin to promote it in earnest. Other ideas, like doing a petition, may be discussed as well. Anyone interested in this issue is welcome to attend.
DREAM Act Comes Before Congress Today
The DREAM Act is scheduled to come before both the House and Senate for a vote later today.
Go to www.iowaimmigrationeducation.org to learn more.
Please call your representatives in support of this important legislation.
Economic Impact of the DREAM Act
This week, the Development, Relief and Education, for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) will be introduced in both houses of Congress. Among the most contentious issues during the lame duck session, the DREAM Act is actually very simple. It is a bipartisan bill that would legalize persons who were brought to the U.S. before the age of 16 and who have been here for a minimum of five years. To obtain a legal status and eventually become permanent residents and later citizens, they must graduate from a U.S. high school and then complete two years of higher education or serve for two years in the U.S. military. They would be required to pass background, criminal, and health checks that are required for all immigrants and "wait in line" for 10 years before obtaining permanent legal residence. The law would not legalize their parents.
According to a 2010 report by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), 2.1 million people would currently be eligible to participate. Of these, MPI estimates that roughly 38 percent (about 825,000 people) would take advantage of the program.
Among the many benefits of the DREAM Act, the three most compelling are: (1) a bigger tax base for state and federal programs, (2) more educated and skilled workers, and (3) new recruits for military service.
The DREAM Act would provide not only an economic and defense boost, but also an opportunity for unauthorized youth to contribute to our communities in a way that is currently impossible. Youth who are afraid of their status being discovered hesitate to volunteer or be involved in community or school programs. They may be among the best and brightest, but have no incentive to continue their education because they have no future in the only home many of them have ever known and no future in the country in which they were born.
The DREAM Act does not provide in-state tuition or any financial support to students. It would make them eligible for federal student loans or work-study programs, but not for tuition assistance such as Pell Grants. It would not decrease the cost of higher education for a DREAM Act student below what other students pay.
To find out more about the DREAM Act, please visit our website: www.iowaimmigrationeducation.org.
January 25th
Social Security Forum
River House Grill
1510 River Dr, Moline
January 27th
4:30pm - 5:30pm
E 53rd & Corporate Row Dr
January 27th
PACG Community Meeting
Carriage House
1105 8th St, Moline
January 29th
11am - noon
Corner of 16th St & John Deere Rd, Moline
January 30th
Civil Rights Forum
Metropolitan Comm Church
Harrison & 30th St,
February 1st
Health Care Reform
St. John's Lutheran Church
Rock Island
February 3rd
Media Reform Forum
Butterworth Center
Craft Room
1105 8th St, Moline
February 5th
10am - 1pm
Freight House
Farmer's Market
Downtown Davenport
February 8th
Alliance for
Retired Americans
Guest Speaker
Local District Union Office #431 at 1401 W 3rd St., Davenport
Phone is 323-3655 - Call for times
Lunch will be served
February 9th
Local Foods Forum
Antonella's Restaurant
112 W. 3rd St, Davenport
Progressive Action for the Common Good
Iowa Immigration Education Coalition
Faithful Reform in Healthcare
Call Congress
in Support of the
Progressive Action for the Common Good
PO Box 6521
Rock Island, IL 61201
Send messages for this list serve to:
[email protected]