PACG History - Taking Back the Message on Social Security
After Action Report
with Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans
Close to forty people attended the presentation by Alex Lawson, the Executive
Director of Social Security Works, at the PACG Community Networking last Thursday.
Midge Slater, the Field Organizer for Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans, introduced
Alex and his topic: Taking Back the Message on Social Security. He gave a fresh and
very informative talk on how Americans can defend Social Security by going on the
offense both in the language we use to discuss it and the facts we can use to dispel the
myths created by those who would destroy it.
The talk was followed by several very good questions and comments from the audience, which included Mayor Bill Gluba and representatives from Senator Harkins’ and Congresswoman Cheri Bustos’ offices.
Next month, we will have a great presentation by ICCI with more information to
Caryn Unsicker,
Board President