PACG Needs Your Support!
We have four very active Issue Forums: Civil Rights, Environmental, Health Care Reform and our newest Issue Forum on Drug Policy. We started a PACG Book Club which right now is reading books with a racial justice theme. Check our website for information on our many activities and events and to contact the leaders (facilitators) of any of our Issue Forums. Contact me if you want to start a new Issue Forum.
A great way to keep up is to sign up for our Weekly Email Update. You will need to respond to a confirmation email. Those of you on Facebook should like our Progressive Action for the Common Good page and join the PACG Facebook group of the Book Club or any Issue Forum that interests you.
Another way to help is to become a paying member. An individual membership is $10 and family membership is $20. Those who can afford to give more are encouraged to do so. We especially appreciate those who give monthly. You can donate through our website or send a check to:
1212 W 3rd St, Suite 3D
Davenport, IA 52802
PACG is a 501(c) 3 organization, and donations are tax-deductible as charitable contributions to the extent allowed by law.
We have a new part time office manager and organizer, Amber Bordolo. She will support the efforts of our many volunteers, whether they serve on an Issue Forum or the Board. Amber will also help us utilize social media more effectively. You will meet her soon!
Resistance is hard work and must be on-going. The only way to succeed is by uniting with other progressive individuals and organizations. We couldn’t do it without you!
Alta Price
Board President
[email protected]
563-505-2996 cell