(Supported by the Economic Justice and Corporate Reform forums of PACG)
Families Mobilize across the U.S. to Hold American Water Company Accountable for Employee Cuts and Consumer Rate Hikes
Working men and women are demanding shared sacrifice from Executives
Thursday, June 16
Picket and Informational hand billing in Protest of American Water Rate Hikes 6PM at
Scott Community College:
500 Belmont Rd
Bettendorf, Iowa 52722
All this week union and community members are coming together across the nation to spotlight American Water, the largest for-profit water utility in the United States, as it imposes steep consumer rate hikes and demands huge concessions from its employees despite doling out lucrative pay packages to top executives. American Water has pushed for massive hikes in employee premiums for family health insurance, steep increases in out-of-pocket expenses for medical care, and deep cuts in healthcare coverage.
During 2010, American Water boasted net profits of $268 million on $2.7 billion in total revenues. The top seven executives alone at American Water were granted more than $12.5 million in total pay in 2010, including $3.5 million to former CEO Don Correll.
Come out and support the Utility Workers members who are currently without a contract. This is one of many events/actions going on around the country. Event
Contact: Butch Ruiz, cell – 630 675 6442