Renewable Energy: Greener Earth = Green in Your Pocket
November 9th, 9 am - 2 pm
Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island, IL (map)
Click here to register.
This program is funded through the Mark Schwiebert Grant for Environmental Studies along with the Environmental Forum from PACG and the Eagle View Chapter of the Sierra Club. The presentation is free to the public.
The Keynote Speaker will be David Osterberg, emeritus professor of environmental health at the University of Iowa College of Public Health, and founder of the Iowa Policy Project. He will discuss how Iowa energy policy has expanded the use of renewables and increased efficiency to keep the electric rates low and help the state contribute to containing climate change.
Other speakers will include representatives from the Iowa and Illinois Renewable Energy Associations, and the Illinois Citizen Utility Board. These speakers will discuss policy and funding options available in each state, as well as tax incentives. Participants will learn about The Future Energy Jobs Act. Local panel presenters will provide information about how they developed their projects, and both the pros and cons of their ventures. Vendor tables will be available during the forum so attendees can discuss renewable options for their specific projects.
A flyer can be downloaded below. Pass it out to your friends and post it on social media and in public spaces. Thanks for helping us spread the word about this important event!

renewable_energy_flyer.pdf |