Revitalized Environmental Forum Promises Action!
On October 9th a group of veteran and newbie Environmental activists met to breathe new life into the PACG Environmental Forum and in doing so to give a home to anyone in the Quad Cities who believes that the time for talk is past and that we must ACT and be very visible on the issue of Climate Change.
The meeting began with participants viewing a 10 minute video on climate change, entitled “Final Hours” (available at The video was followed by a rich discussion on what was needed in the Quad Cities for the area to become a powerful center of advocacy for Climate Action.
The Great March for Climate Action was then discussed. The Great March is a massive undertaking organized by Ed Fallon of Des Moines. The plan is to organize and support 1,000 climate activists to march in a movable demonstration from Santa Monica California to Washington D.C. That group is scheduled to come through the Quad Cities on August 24th of 2014. They need our help! (Details at This is an unbelievable opportunity to put Climate Change front and center and we must not miss it.
Finally the group discussed the possibility of a memorial to Hurricane Sandy on the 29th of October. There were mixed feelings about the success of the idea; but, it was decided that a small group would pursue it to determine its viability.
Bill Sherwood
[email protected]