Stop the Massive Destruction of Department of Interior Records by Secretary Ryan Zinke
**Comment Period Ends: Friday, November 23rd 5:00 pm**
Environmental Forum
The National Archives and Records Administration
Interior’s request involves documents about oil and gas leases, mining, dams, wells, timber sales, marine conservation, fishing, endangered species, non-endangered species, critical habitats, land acquisition, and more.
The request covers these categories of documents from every agency within the Interior Department, including the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, US Geological Survey, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and others.
The request covers already-existing documents going back more than 50 years and consisting of thousands of cubic feet of paper documents and gigabytes of digital documents. Besides existing documents, as usual, the proposed schedule will also apply to all future documents created in these categories (whether on paper or born digital). Source:
Email [email protected] with a Public Comment. Deadline: November 23, 2018.
Sample Script:
"I am writing about action DAA-0048-2015-0003. I am against this massive destruction of records. This content would normally be kept and preserved by the U.S. Department of Interior. I am asking National Archives to deny Secretary Zinke's request so that these records are kept as they should be." [Sign with your name]
Call your representatives. Here is a suggested call Script:
"My name is __________. I am a constituent, and my zip code is _______. I am a member of Progression Action for the Common Good in the Quad Cities.
"Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has asked the National Archives for a massive destruction of records that normally are kept for historical purposes. This is an unusual and troubling request. I am asking you to investigate this request and to stop the destruction of important and valuable records. The National Archives ID number is DAA-0048-2015-0003."
Senator Dick Durbin (D) 202-224-2152 or 309-786-5173
Senator Tammy Duckworth (D) 202-224-2854 or 312- 886-3506
US Representative Cheri Bustos (D) 202-225-5905 or 309-786-3406
Senator Chuck Grassley (R) 202-224-3744 or 563-322-433
Senator Joni Ernst (R) 202-224-3254 or 563-322-0677
Representative Dave Loebsack (D) 202 225-6576 or 563-323-5988
We need to act now!!
Susan Leuthauser
[email protected]