QC Unity Pride
Saturday, June 22nd at 11:00 am
and Friday, June 28th to Sunday, June 30th
We Need Volunteers Now!
March with us in the parade wearing PACG t-shirts to show our support! We also need help staffing display tables the weekend of June 28th!
Saturday, June 22nd, the parade starts at E 2nd and Warren St in Davenport (map) and crosses the Centennial Bridge to 3rd AV in Rock Island, IL (map).
The Pride Fest Celebration is a street festival beginning Friday, June 28th (map).
Pride Fest is the following weekend, Friday, June 28th from 4pm - midnight and Saturday 12pm -midnight. PACG will have a booth there. If you are interested in volunteering at our booth contact Amber Bordolo.
For more information, check this Pride Fest link.
QC Unity Pride week of events are as follows:
June 22 - Unity Pride Parade
June 22 - Parade After-Party
June 23 - Dinner Cruise (Tickets available now!)
June 24 - Stonewall Movie
June 25 - Family Skate Day
June 26 - Pink Squirrel Pub Crawl (Davenport)
June 27 - Pink Squirrel Pub Crawl (Rock Island)
June 28 - Quad Cities Festivals Pageant Queen and King
June 28/29 - QC Pridefest
Information about additional events is on the QCUnity Pride website: qcunitypride.org.