Vote Smart - Educate Yourself on Important Issues and Candidates
Vote Smart is a one-stop website where you can find information on state and national legislation and politicians. This non-partisan site is easy to use. There are links to every candidate's bio and contact information; voting record; ratings and endorsements by national and local organizations; speeches and public statements; and campaign finance and funding.
The website explains the work of their volunteers and staff this way: "Vote Smart is a historic undertaking. Citizens come together, not in selfish interest or to support one candidate over another, but to defend democracy. It is an extraordinary gathering of people committed to one purpose: to strengthen the most essential component of democracy -- access to information -- even as it suffers grave attacks from candidates and political parties, many who are now willing to manipulate information and deceive voters."
Vote Smart has additional information, such as:
- VoteEasy -- this powerful, interactive research tool lets you instantly see which candidates are most like you
- Publications -- Free to all citizens -- order your Voter's Self-Defense Manual, a 100-page report on your congressional delegation. A video, which describes what the Vote Smart does, how we do it, and how you can use it, is also available.
- Voter Registration -- For every state, find out policies and procedures, locate voter registration forms, where to send them, where you can register in person, and where your polling place is.
- Ballot Measures -- Descriptions of ballot measures for every state, including complete text, sponsors, and election results.
It is never too early to research issues of concern to you both locally and nationally. Vote Smart! But, most importantly, VOTE!