Almost 200 people were in attendance for our March workshop on simple ways to get involved to make this world a better place. Numerous tips and resources were provided, along with information about issues facing our nation in regard to civil rights, economic justice, the environment, and health care reform.
While participants were offered many choices for taking action, all were encouraged to regularly engage in the most effective tool of all: making calls to their Members of Congress (MoC). This was outlined in a three step process, complete with a phoning script.
1. Dial your Member of Congress (MoC).
2. Tell the staffer who answers:
“Hello, this is (your name) and I am calling to ask (name of your MoC) to vote (for or against) the bill (provide the number if possible) regarding (issue). Thank you.”
3. Hang up. Then encourage others to make a call as well.
PACG asks that you share how easy it is to make calls with others who may be nervous about this process, or unfamiliar with how it works. Phone calls are extremely effective! And apps like 5 Calls make it even easier!
PACG hopes that all participants will use their Personal Power of 3 to create their own action steps for the next year. (Download your own Personal Power of 3 form on our Home page here.)
Below are some images from our event.
In closing, we’d like to say thank you to everyone for the positive feedback and additional ideas for taking action. Keep them coming - we will post them on our website later this week. Until then, get your action plan in place, and start making a difference!