Earth Day Action Steps - Wednesday, April 22nd
This year we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22nd.
You can celebrate Earth Day in many ways:
- Sing “I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet” or another earth-based song.
- Go for a walk and notice what you see, hear, smell, and feel.
- Clean out your old toxic household supplies and stock up on non-toxic cleaners.
- Cook a plant-based dinner.
- Make cloth grocery bags from some old t-shirts. Patterns can be found online.
- Write a letter or postcard to your local, state and federal political leaders about an environmental issue.
- Pick a national or state park you plan to visit this summer.
- Teach your kids about an endangered species or learn more yourself.
- Make a pledge to reduce single-use plastics.
- Check your voter registration status:
Lori McCollum