What You Can Do Now - Help Stop the Rollback of Clean Air Standards
Once again, the Trump administration is putting industry ahead of taxpayers. At the request of automaker lobbyists and their trade groups, EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) proposed to completely scrap the rules on clean car standards after 2020, and to end states' authority to use more stringent standards to address local air pollution.
These clean car standards are currently reducing oil consumption, leading to significant benefits for public health, cutting global warming pollution, creating jobs, and saving consumers billions at the pump! And now, they may completely disappear unless we do something.
Contact Acting EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler and NHTSA Deputy Administrator Heidi King, and tell them that these standards were implemented by their agencies with agreement from the automakers. Currently, the manufacturers are meeting or exceeding the standards, and technology exists to meet the standards through 2025. As government agencies, it’s their job to protect us. As consumers, we demand fuel efficient vehicles because they emit less air pollutants and benefit public health. Their proposals fail to protect the citizens of the United States!
Contact Information:
Andrew Wheeler
Acting EPA Administrator
ESEPA Headquarters
William Jefferson Clinton Building
1200 Pennsylvania Av NW
Mail Code 1101A
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: 202-564-4700
[email protected]
Heidi King
NHTSA Deputy Administrator
US Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Av SE
Washington, DC 20509
Phone: 202-366-4000
[email protected]
Susan Leuthauser
[email protected]