Rally at Senator Grassley's Davenport Office to Keep Families Together!
Monday, May 14th, 5:00 p.m., Senator Chuck Grassley’s Davenport office, 201 W 2nd St, Davenport, Iowa (we will rally out front of the building)
- This week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced policy that the U.S. government would separate families detained at the U.S./Mexico border.
- On Wednesday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) collaborated with local police in a raid that led to the detention of 32 workers at a concrete factory in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Children of those detained are being cared for by neighbors; 32 families are without their primary bread winner. The raid has spread fear among our immigrant neighbors throughout the state, who fear their town could be next.
*This rally is held in solidarity with our friends at the Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa, at Grassley’s Cedar Rapids office, also May 14 at 5:00. Cedar Rapids is also the location of ICE’s local detention center. Please join us either in Cedar Rapids or Davenport.
Call QCI Organizer Aaron Wagner at 641-990-4594 with questions.
El tiempo por justicia es ahora (The time for justice is now)