Y15K Funds Distributed to Cobblestone Place
Saturday, September 26, 2020
On Saturday, September 26th the last of our Y15K Initiative Funds were delivered to Cobblestone Place in a very small ceremony. PACG has rented office space in this affordable housing building in downtown Davenport for a number of years, and we often have meetings, parties and events in their public area.
I spoke briefly about our Y15K Initiative, Alta Price spoke about the founding of PACG and our issue forum model, and then we made the presentation.
Juanita Eucker and Diane Wolak received our check and explained that the funds will be used for a bench outside as well as furniture for the common space inside the building.
Cheryl Bruce from Bruce's Furniture in Davenport was also on hand. Her store is going to supply Cobblestone with furnishings.
Funds will also be used to purchase MetroLINK passes and HyVee gift cards for residents. Alta surprised Juanita and Diane with a donation of high quality masks for all employees and residents. "We at Progressive Action take the pandemic very seriously and we encourage people to always wear masks in public," stated Dr. Price.
Here are some of the images we took today of this event.
Allison Ambrose