Your Vote Matters! Vote Early!
Various Times and Dates
The 2020 election has begun. Please remember to vote. Support the candidates who best align with your visions and values. Be sure to wear your mask and maintain social distance when you do. For those who prefer to vote early, here are the links to the Scott County locations, dates and times of the satellite voting sites and a list of the same for Rock Island County.
Scott County Satellite Voting sites opened on October 5th. Ballots from all precincts are available at each location. For addresses, dates and hours for these sites, go to:
Early Voting at the County Clerk's Office:
Rock Island County Office Building
First Floor - 1504 Third Avenue, Rock Island IL, 61201-8624 (map)
Monday to Friday, September 24th to Friday, October 16th: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Monday, October 19th to Monday, November 2nd: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am to 7 pm
Saturdays, October 24th and 31st: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sundays, October 25th and November 1st: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Early Voting at Off-Site Locations (note - there is only ONE early voting off-site location for this election):
Western Illinois University, 3300 River Drive, Moline, IL (map)
Monday to Friday, October 19th to October 30th: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Check this link for more details about voting in Rock County:
Keep in mind that all of these times and dates are only for early voting, not election day voting.
Susan Leuthauser