Contact Your Representatives to Tell Them to Support the Kurdish People
PACG supports the Kurdish people in Syria during these difficult times (Please read our recent Blog Post - Prayer and Reflection Vigil: Standing with the Kurds in Crisis).
Whether or not you are able to attend the Vigil, we encourage you to contact your Members of Congress to express your support for these people. You can find your national legislators on our website under our Action Center tab.
Calling is easy and just takes a few minutes. You will need to state your name and address if you speak to a staffer or for the recorded message you leave. Stay on point and be polite. You can use the script below to make it easy.
If you would like to write to your legislators, the following statement is simple and straightforward. We have also attached it as a download in two forms so that you can print it, put your address and the date at the top, sign the letter and mail it.
Here's what we suggest, but feel free to make any changes you'd like:
Your Address
the Date
I am one of your constituents who votes, and I would like to express my concern about the situation in Northern Syria involving the treatment of the Kurdish people.
I encourage you to exercise the power of your office to preserve our nation’s partnership with the Kurdish people, particularly in keeping with our tradition of standing with our allies and providing protection for the victims of persecution, wherever they may live. I believe in the humanitarian values that have been the hallmarks of America and expect my elected officials to represent these values.
Please support the Kurds.
Thank you for your consideration.
Your Name

support_the_kurds_letter.pdf |

support_the_kurds_letter.docx |